“One day I was given a special gift. My Mummy gave me that gift. Some people are given special gifts by people they don’t know. But they are the most precious gift you could ever hope to get. They are given with love to the people who need them the most. They are given by people who care. One day I will need another gift. I hope there’s one to spare. Until that time I want to say Thank you to donors everywhere.”
Joel Malyon, 7 years old
Promote Organ Donation
On average three people die every day because there just aren’t enough organs available. You can add your name to the organ donor register and help save others after you’re gone. And don’t forget to let your loved ones know you’ve done so.
Anyone can register as an organ donor, at any age. You can choose to donate some or all of your organs. And you can change your mind at any time. It only takes a few minutes to register, all you need to do is visit: www.organdonation.nhs.uk or call 0300 123 23 23.
Currently, only 50% of the population have talked about organ donation with their family. But your family’s consent is needed in order for a donation to go ahead. It can be difficult for them to make this decision, so letting them know now will make it easier for them in the future.

Every year we support National Transplant Week and encourage all who wish to be a donor to let their families and loved ones know. Organ donation week takes place 3-9 September 2019.
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