Dear All

Having listened to the feedback from previously selected transplant athletes, we are revising our recently published approach to respect the selection process for elite athletes, while nevertheless increasing our reach and inclusivity to social athletes. The TS Trustees recognise that the aims and nature of the WTG are evolving to a participation event with a ‘level of competition ranging from elite athletes to social athletes, promoting the benefits of Sport at all levels’ (WTGF website 2024). The Trustees will establish a new pathway to facilitate the opportunity for social athletes from the UK to participate at the WTG 2025. This will be a new development and be managed by the Trustees who will seek feedback from both elite and social athletes attending the WTG 2025 to evaluate the impact. We look forward to an opportunity for more transplant recipients to be active and participate in the World Transplant Games in the future. It is an amazing opportunity to celebrate the gift of life and demonstrate the life changing and life-saving impact of organ donation. Dr Paul Harden on behalf of Transplant Sport Trustees Chairman, Transplant Sport Trustee World Transplant Games Federation Chairman WTGF Medical Committee

Dr Paul Harden

Chairman, Transplant Sport

Trustee World Transplant Games Federation

Chairman WTGF Medical Committee