Did you know that Transplant Sport UK is the Society of Sports Therapists (SST) chosen charity for 2019 and the upcoming Transplant Sport Awareness Week is the Society’s campaign to raise awareness of Transplantees and the health benefits of taking part in sport and exercise following organ transplantation.
As part of this drive they want to highlight the role Sports Therapists have to play in supporting the Transplant Athlete and importantly, help to raise funds for the Transplant Sport therapy teams to purchase therapy supplies and equipment. They are not funded but give up their time and expertise to support the athletes both in competition and in training. The SST have put together a toolkit for you to use with ideas for fundraising and social media. There is a prize of two free places for students at the BASEM Annual Conference for the university that raises the most funds. The Society is also offering a free signed copy of the latest edition of Clinical Sports Medicine to the Member who tops the fundraising chart. To find out more and download the toolkit, visit the SST website!